2020-04-04My name is Aman Agnihotri. I am an avid reader of non-fiction, particularly of works in programming, philosophy, and politics. Childhood experience with playing video games led me to pursue a course in Computer Science with an emphasis on game development. Friends made along the way got me into studying various other disciplines so I could both comprehend and contribute in their conversations.
I currently work as a server-side programmer in a gaming company where my responsibilities include:
designing API specifications and implementing the same for mobile game experiences;
creating administrative tools that facilitate user support, configuration adjustments, and realization of insights;
analyzing user data and representing it in forms that aid in subsequent design decisions;
writing documentation to streamline client-side integration;
managing AWS-based infrastructure and monitoring failures;
My earlier work is in client-side game and tools programming, particularly in areas of animation, gameplay, general game mechanics, and level editors.
Through this site, I intend to do the following:
Showcase elegant and efficient ways of approaching problems in the programming languages I happen to know;
Explicate the ideas of philosophers like Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and political figures like Peter Kropotkin;
Share excerpts from various books which I deem interesting, including a list of recommendations for the same;
Express my views on a range of topics;
Ensuring simplicity in all the content which I produce here will be my goal.
My email address is amanagnihotri (at) protonmail (dot) com